Dry brushing has been a part of my home skincare routine for a couple of years now and has become something I can’t go without for a very long time. I have been mentioning dry brushing often on my Instagram without really going into that procedure’s depth. Here I have accumulated some answers to popular questions regards this subject and my personal experience with dry brushing.
So what is, why and how to dry brush? Let’s find out.
I was introduced to dry brushing many years ago during my studies at the beauty school throughout some spa treatments I was performing. Dry brushing can be included in your SPA package at most salons, but the great thing is that the procedure is so easy, that can be easily done at home, as long as you have a natural bristle brush and a little extra time on your hands.
Benefits of dry brushing
The first thing that comes to our minds when we think about dry brushing its exfoliation of the skin. But in reality, it is much more than just exfoliation. It helps the skin to get rid of toxins by stimulating your excretory and lymphatic system.
Our skin is the largest most important elimination organ in the body. It is responsible for one-quarter of the body’s detoxification each day, most of it through the sweat glands. The waste materials that they excrete include dead cells, sweat, toxins and some minerals. Gentle brooming of the skin while dry brushing helps clear the pores and removes dead cells, giving way for new epidermal cells to occur.
The most exciting benefit of dry brushing is that it helps to move the lymph in our bodies. All detoxification in our bodies happens through the lymph. Fluids flow through the system and are filtered through the lymph nodes. That is why your lymph nodes often become swollen when you have a cold.
Many of our lymph vessels run just below the skin’s surface, which is how dry brushing can impact how well our lymph glands perform. The main difference between our circulatory system (blood vessels) and the lymph flowing, as the lymph system has no pump (heart) and is passive.
As we age, the system works slower and slower, especially if a person doesn’t have an active lifestyle. That’s why daily exercising and dry brushing are a perfect solution for a happy and healthy lymphatic system, leading to more vigorous health.
Another perk of dry brushing regularly is increased circulation, which tightens the skin and reduces cellulite appearance. After dry brushing, the skin breathes and brightens in colour. That was one of the immediate positive side effects I’ve experienced along with a boost of energy.
When should I dry brush
You can dry brush at any time of the day on the dry body before hitting a shower or a bath. I prefer to dry brush in the mornings before a shower to take advantage of that energy flow. It’s important to wash your body after dry brushing to remove all the impurities from the skin.
How to dry brush
The most important thing here is you need to remember that the lymphatic fluid flows through the body towards the heart, so you must brush in the same direction. Stroking away from your heart puts extra pressure on the valves within the veins and lymph vessels and can cause health issues later on.
Start with your feet, using long smooth strokes moving upwards towards your heart. Move upwards to the legs, thighs, stomach, hands, arms and shoulders before arriving at the heart. If you want to be more precise with your brushing movements to target specific lymph nodes, you can follow the directions shown on the graph below.
Never brush over inflamed skin like active acne, sores, sun-burnt skin or skin cancer. After showering apply a natural oil such as almond or coconut oil on your entire body to nourish the skin.
Why I dry brush
The way I start a new day is critical to me. If I follow my morning beauty routine, it sets me up for a great day without a doubt. For me, dry brushing has become as necessary as drinking green juice every morning. You don’t see dramatic, immediate results but you notice them in the long run.
Like any detox program, you have to be consistent with it and do it for at least 30 days to start seeing any significant improvements. After two years of dry brushing, now it has become more like a spiritual process for me. I enjoy that ‘me’ time every morning.
I take time with my dry brushing procedure to pay thorough attention to my skin and my body overall. It’s tough to tell you how exactly it affected my health, but it gives me that addictive boost of energy and a vivacious and toned appearance of my skin, which I enjoy.